“All grown-ups were once children . . . but only few of them remember it.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
“[Kids] don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”
― Jim Henson, It's Not Easy Being Green: And Other Things to Consider
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
― Albert Einstein
Available Workshops
The Art of Revision
Revision is as much a part of writing as drafting a story or article. Using various other artistic mediums, such as painting and composing, Ms. Miller shows students that works of art are not created on the first try. Moving from sketches and drafts to finished art, students learn to appreciate, if not love, the process of revision.
What If — Getting Students Started in Creative Writing
This workshop is designed to move students past the initial “brain freeze” experienced when someone is told to “write a five page story.” Sources for ideas are explored, as is the concept of playing with an idea to develop a more complete story. Examples and story starters are given.
Starting Points
A fun, hands-on workshop. Participants pick a story prompt from photographs, first lines, and titles, then write a story or first chapter from the prompt. Particularly fun is having a group of people use the same prompt and seeing the variety of stories that result. Stories are read aloud to the class, and writing techniques are discussed.
Generally for a more advanced, older group of students.
Voice: The Holy Grail of Writing
A distinct voice is arguably the hardest thing to achieve in writing, and it is one of the hardest writing skills to teach. Mary Beth uses other art forms to help students grasp voice as well as examples from literature (both current and classic works).
The Fine Print
School visits are limited in number and will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment is expected at the time of the visit unless prior arrangements are made. It is recommended that students read one of my novels ahead of time prior to a meet and greet to make it more meaningful for the students.
Half Day: $300. Consists of two programs and a meet and greet/book signing period, plus travel expenses. (Schools within 60 miles pay mileage only. Schools farther away than 60 miles may be asked to provide hotel accommodations.)
Full Day: $500. Consists of four programs and a meet and greet/book signing period, plus travel expenses. (Schools within 60 miles pay mileage only. Schools over 60 miles away may be asked to provide hotel accommodations.)