I'm not good at sitting still, except when I'm doing something creative, like writing, embroidering, or quilting. I love hiking, horse riding, gardening, or just scrambling around in the woods or on the beach.
I graduated college with a BA in English Lit then worked as a Production Editor for a medical/nursing publisher. I married my husband, Jake, then did freelance copy-editing and proofreading when our four kids were young.
I grew up in Michigan in a family of camping fanatics. I loved to read more than fish, so while I heard a lot of tales about the one that got away, I also read my way through the Bay City, MI Sage Library, stuffing books under the seats of the car so I never ran out of reading material on our vacations. The painting on the right above was done by another wonderful friend, Kim Meuse. She’s a fabulous watercolor artist.
We moved from Pennsylvania to Texas in 2007, where I had a dream barn for our horses. We expanded our animal population to include fainting goats (yes, they do faint), llamas to guard the goats, chickens, and turkeys. Our nest emptied, and we began to travel. Covid stopped our travels, but we hope to get back to it. Some of the countries we’ve visited are Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, France, England, The Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. I love getting off the beaten path and hate tours unless they're the only way to see someplace.
In 2021, we moved to Silverdale, WA on the beautiful Hood Canal (see the header photos for the view from our house). I have a dream office where I write (and manage our vacation rental property Miller’s Mountain Retreat located in Potter County, Pennsylvania). I’m still writing and quilting, but now I have a wonderful garden and vast wildernesses to explore in the Pacific Northwest. I’m also looking forward to spending more time with my family as well as doing a few school visits along the way!